The Radical 饣
Strokes: 3
Common words with radical "饣"
cooked cereals; meal
drink; drink wine/liquor
raise; forage
hungry; starve
have eaten one's fill; full
accommodation for guests; embassy
a round flat cake; something in the shape of a cake
adorn; decorations
let somebody off; rich
hungry; having a famine
used as a component of 馒头
greedy; be covetous of
are confused in meaning
used as a component of 馄饨
present a gift; transport
steamed bread
cakes; food used to entice fish
turn sour; lousy
pay; entertain
give a farewell dinner; candy
organize; order
used as a component of 蒸馏
used as a component of 馄饨
cram food into one's mouth
hungry; disheartened
malt sugar
used as a component of 饽饽
feed; raw meat
used as a component of 馓子
same as 糖
same as 馃子
the vegetables failed to harvest
used as a component of 饸饹
cook; cook and stir
used as a component of 饸饹
used as a component of 饾饤
used as a component of 馎饦
used as a component of 饾版; used as a component of 饾饤
eat leftovers
used as a component of 馎饦
unit of currency in former liberated areas during the Liberation War of China
used as a component of 构词成分
used as a component of 构词成分
deliver meals to the fields