
Chinese dictionary
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  • prep.according to; accordance with; on the basis of

    • qǐng àn zhào zhè zhāng chǔ fāng gěi wǒ pèi yào


      Please prepare some medicine for me according to this prescription.

    • àn zhào bāo zhuāng shang de shuō míng zhǔ fàn


      Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet.

    • qǐng àn zhào yāo qiú jiù zuò


      Please take your seat on the basis of requirements.

    • àn zhào yāo qiú wán chéng jù zi


      Complete the sentence according to the requirement.

    • àn zhào zì jǐ de fāng shì qù dù guò rén shēng


      Live your life in your own way.

Word usage

  • Note
    "按" is different from "按照". "按照" cannot be followed by single-syllable nouns. You can use "按期完成" instead of "按照期完成".