bēi jù

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.tragedy; tragic drama

    • xī wàng lì shǐ bēi jù bù yào chóng yǎn


      Don't repeat of a historical tragedy.

    • tā zhèng zài shè fǎ bì miǎn gèng dà de bēi jù fā shēng


      He was trying to prevent an even worse tragedy.

    • jīng pài de bēi jù shì hán xù de


      The tragedy of Beijing Group is implicative.

  • 2

    n.metamishaps; sufferings

    • jué bù néng zài ràng zhè zhǒng bēi jù chóng yǎn


      This sufferings must never be repeated.

    • nà yī chǎng bēi jù gěi tā men de shēng huó tóu xià le yī piàn yīn yǐng


      The sufferings cast a gloom over their lives.

    • wǒ men bù néng zuò shì zhè yàng de bēi jù fā shēng


      We cannot just sit by and watch this sufferings happen.

Word usage

  • "悲剧" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 悲剧

      one tragedy