bèi yǐng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.sight/view of somebody's back; a figure viewed from behind; the sight of one's back

    • tā hán zhe lèi shuǐ níng wàng zhe fù qīn yuǎn qù de bèi yǐng


      He gazed at his father's receding figure with tearful eyes.

    • tā mù sòng zhe tā de bèi yǐng yuǎn qù


      She gazed affectionately after his receding figure.

    • jí biàn kàn dào de zhǐ shì bèi yǐng de lún kuò bǐ lì hái shi rèn chū le nà ge rén yǐng


      Even from behind in silhouette, Billy recognized the figure.

Word usage

  • "背影" is often matched with measure word "个"or"缕".
    • 背影

      one figure

    • 背影

      one wisp of figure