bēn zǒu hū háo

Chinese dictionary
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  • slgo around crying for help or campaigning for a cause; campaign fervently; rush around crying for help

    • wèi jìn zhǐ dì léi bēn zǒu hū háo


      fervently campaign against the use of landmines

    • bēn zǒu hū háo wèi zāi mín juān kuǎn


      go around trying to raise a relief fund for the victims of the disaster

    • tā wèi ruò shì qún tǐ bēn zǒu hū háo yíng dé le quán guó de zūn jìng


      His doughty campaigns for the underprivileged have earned him national respect.

Word usage

  • Note
    "号" cannot be pronounced as "hào" in "奔走呼号".