bó lè

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.metatalent scout; a good judge of talent

    • gè jí lǐng dǎo yào guǎng kāi shì yě dāng hǎo bó lè fā xiàn hé zào jiù gèng duō de rén cái


      Leaders at all levels should broaden their vision and act like Bo Le to discover and foster more talents.

    • hòu lái rén men jiù yòng bó lè de míng zi lái chēng hu tā


      Later, people call him Bo Le.

  • 2

    n.a legendary connoisseur of horses lived during the Spring and Autumn Period

  • 3

    n.star name, in charge of Tianma

    • bó lè xīng


      Bole Star