chàn you

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.flicker; quiver; sway

    • tā de jiǎo bù zhèng hé zhe nà biǎn dan chàn you de jié pāi


      The carrying-pole on her shoulder swayed exactly to the rhythm of her footsteps.

    • yī lǚ chàn you de dēng guāng


      a flickering light

    • tā tiǎo qǐ dàn zi chàn you chàn you de zǒu le


      She shouldered the loaded carrying pole and walked off with a swing.

    • cóng mào yán dǐ xia tā gé zhe kǒng què máo yī bān chàn you de jié máo tiào wàng nà xiàng nán yí dòng de tài yáng


      Under its leaf, she watched through peacock twittering lashes the southing sun.

Word usage

  • "颤悠" can be reduplicated, for example: "颤颤悠悠".
    • 吊桥颤颤悠悠

      The suspension bridge shakes as people walk on it.

Chinese words with pinyin chan you