chéng chú

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.multiplication and division; calculation

    • dāng jiā jiǎn fǎ hé chéng chú fǎ lián hé yùn suàn shí bì xū qǔ dé zhōng jiān hé shù


      When combining addition and subtraction with multiplication and division, it is necessary to take interim totals.

    • bù yào huā li hú shào de dōng xi wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng yào yī gè néng zuò jiǎn dān de chéng chú fǎ zhī lèi de jì suàn qì


      Forget the frills, I just want a calculator that can do simple things like multiply and divide.

    • jiǎn jīn nián xué chéng chú yùn suàn


      Jane's learning multiplication and division this year in school.

  • 2

    n.fmlprosperity and decline; waxing and waning; ups and downs

Chinese words with pinyin cheng chu