
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.tour/tourist guide

    • tā zài dǎo yóu de dài lǐng xia cān guān le bó wù guǎn


      He was guided around the museums.

    • zhè ge dǎo yóu lǐng zhe wǒ men zhuàn biàn le zhěng gè gǔ zhèn


      This tour guide showed us around the old town.

    • dǎo yóu dài wǒ men cān guān le gōng diàn hé huā yuán


      The guide took us round the palace and gardens.

  • 2

    v.conduct a sightseeing tour; guide a tour

    • cǐ cì xī hú zhī lǚ wǒ yǒu xìng dé hǎo yǒu dǎo yóu


      I was lucky to have a good friend guide for this trip to west Lake.

Word usage

  • "导游" is often matched with measure word "个"or"位"or"名".
    • 导游

      one tour guide

    • 导游

      one tour guide

    • 导游

      one tour guide