dào xǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.congratulate somebody on a happy occasion

    • yīn wèi mǒu shì xiàng mǒu rén dào xǐ


      congratulate somebody on something

    • dēng mén dào xǐ


      drop by to extend one's congratulations

    • tīng shuō gāi xiàng nín dào xǐ le


      I hear congratulations are in order.

Word usage

  • "道" and "喜" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 新人

      Give my congratulations to the newlywed couple.

    • 客人主人

      After offering their congratulations, the guests were invited into the room by the host.

    • 他们已经教授

      They have already congratulated Professor Li.

Chinese words with pinyin dao xi