diǎn gù

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.literary quotation; allusion (from classical works)

    • tā de wén zhāng yīn yǐn yòng diǎn gù ér shēng sè


      Her writings sparkle with classical allusions.

    • zhè shì yī gè chū zì shèng jīng de diǎn gù


      This is an allusion to the Bible.

    • tā de shī suí chǔ kě jiàn huì sè de wén xué diǎn gù


      His poetry is full of obscure literary allusion.

Word usage

  • "典故" is often matched with measure word "个"or"些".
    • 典故

      one literary quotation

    • 典故

      some literary quotations