fèn nèi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.one's rightful share of work to a project or job; part of one's rights or obligations

    • zhè shì wǒ fèn nèi de shì


      It's something within my duty.

    • guān xīn xué shēng shì jiào shī fèn nèi de shì


      Caring for students is part of a teacher's job.

    • zhè shì wǒ men fèn nèi de gōng zuò


      This is our share of the work.

    • zuò hǎo fèn nèi de shì


      pull one's own weight

    • tí chū yì yì bù shi nǐ de fèn nèi shì


      It's not your place to raise any objection.

    • liào lǐ jiā wù bèi rèn wéi shì nǚ xìng de fèn nèi zhī shì


      Looking after the house was viewed as a woman's domain.

    • jūn duì mào sì duàn rán jù jué zuò tā men fèn nèi de shì qing


      The army apparently refused point blank to do what was required of them.

Word usage

  • Note
    "分内" cannot be written as "份内".

Chinese words with pinyin fen nei