gé yán

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.motto; aphorism; an established maxim

    • yī gè ruì zhì de gé yán


      a sagacious motto

    • qǐng bǎ cǐ gé yán jì zài xīn lǐ mian


      Please lay the maxim to your heart.

    • wǒ de gé yán shì rú guǒ wǒ yǒu néng lì yī dìng jiāng shì jiè jiǎo de tiān fān dì fù


      My motto is: if I have the ability, certainly the world would upside down.

Word usage

  • "格言" is often matched with measure word "句"or"条"or"则".
    • 格言

      one motto

    • 格言

      one motto

    • 格言

      one motto