gōng wù yuán

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.government office worker; public/civil servant

    • tā men cóng shàng céng wén zhí bù mén qīng chú le shàng qiān míng gōng wù yuán


      They have purged thousands from the upper levels of the civil service.

    • tā lì yòng péng you bāng tā zǒu hòu mén dāng shàng le gōng wù yuán


      He used his friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door.

    • zài gāo jí bié gōng wù yuán zhōng nǚ xìng réng rán liáo liáo wú jǐ


      There are still few women in the upper reaches of the civil service.

  • 2

    n.datednon-clerical personnel employed in institutions and organizations

    • yǐ qián de gōng wù yuán shì zhǐ dǎ zá de rén


      In the old days, a civil servant was a man who worked as a handyman.

Word usage

  • "公务员" is often matched with measure word "名"or"位"or"个".
    • 公务员

      one civil servant

    • 公务员

      one civil servant

    • 公务员

      one civil servant