hēi rén

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.black person

    • xiōng shā zài hēi rén nán zǐ zhōng shì zhǔ yào sǐ yīn


      Homicide is the leading cause of death among black men.

    • jǐng fāng bìng méi yǒu tè bié wèi hēi rén tuán tǐ zuò shén me


      The police haven't really done anything for the black community in particular.

    • shí dà qīng shào nián kǎi mó zhōng yǒu wèi shì hēi rén


      Five out of the ten top role models for teenagers are black.

  • 2

    n.unregistered resident

    • tā shì gè hēi rén méi yǒu hù kǒu


      She is a person without hukou.

  • 3

    n.person in hiding; person who hides and dares not appear in public

    • tā jiù shì gè hēi rén bù gǎn lòu miàn


      She is a person in hiding.

Word usage

  • "黑人" is often matched with measure word "个"or"些"or"群".
    • 黑人

      one black person

    • 黑人

      some black people

    • 黑人

      one group of black