huǒ lú

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.(heating) stove; furnace; oven; stovepipe

    • wǒ gěi huǒ lú tiān méi ràng tā shāo guò yè


      I stoked the furnace for the night.

    • zhè fáng zi dōng tiān shí tè bié lěng xiàn zài què rè de xiàng huǒ lú


      The room, which had been so icy in winter, was now a furnace.

    • zhè lǐ rè de xiàng huǒ lú


      It's like a furnace in here!

  • 2

    n.metaextremely hot place

    • wǒ men zěn me néng zǒu lù ne wài miàn gēn huǒ lú shì de


      How can we walk? It's a furnace out there.

Word usage

  • "火炉" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 火炉

      one stove