
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1


    • tā jī dòng de shuō bù chū huà lái


      She was too excited to say anything.

    • tā jī dòng de zhí liú lèi


      She was moved to tears.

    • tā de qíng xù hěn jī dòng


      He was really wound up.

  • 2

    v.excite; stir; move

    • zhè shì wǒ yī shí jī dòng shuō de huà qǐng bié fàng zài xīn shang


      The remark was made in the heat of the moment. Please don't take it to heart.

Word usage

  • Note
    "激动" is different from "感动". "激动" is mostly due to positive or negative stimulation, emphasizing inner activities, with a stronger degree and shorter duration; "感动" is due to positive influences, and the duration of inner activities is shorter or longer.