
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.architect

    • měi gè rén dōu shì zì jǐ mìng yùn de jiàn zhù shī


      Each man is the architect of his own fate.

    • tā ràng ér zi chéng wéi jiàn zhù shī


      He made an architect of his son.

    • jiàn zhù shī zhèng zài huì zhì xīn bàn gōng lóu de shè jì tú


      The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices.

    • jiàn zhù shī huì zhì le fáng zi de pōu miàn tú


      The architect drew the house in section.

Word usage

  • "建筑师" is often matched with measure word "名"or"位"or"个".
    • 建筑师

      one architect

    • 建筑师

      one architect

    • 建筑师

      one architect