jǐn duàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.brocade

    • tā xīn tuī chū de shí zhuāng xì liè li zuì rě yǎn de shì shǐ yòng jǐn duàn děng shē huá miàn liào de qún zhuāng


      Her new collection features skirts in luxurious fabrics like silk brocade.

    • xiàng cǎi xiá yī yàng xuàn lì de jǐn duàn


      brocade as flowery and colorful as the sunset glow

Word usage

  • "锦缎" is often matched with measure word "匹"or"幅".
    • 锦缎

      one brocade

    • 锦缎

      one piece of brocade

Chinese words with pinyin jin duan