jǐng guān

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.police officer

    • dān rèn shěn wèn gōng zuò de dōu shì xiē gāo jí jǐng guān


      The interrogation was conducted by senior police officers.

    • zhè wèi jǐng guān bèi kòng dú zhí


      The police officer was accused of neglecting his duty.

    • zhè wèi jǐng guān lì shēng xiàng bǎng jià zhě fā chū jǐng gào


      The police officer barked out a warning to the kidnapper.

Word usage

  • "警官" is often matched with measure word "位"or"名"or"个".
    • 警官

      one police officer

    • 警官

      one police officer

    • 警官

      one police officer