juǎn xīn cài

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.dialcabbage

    • yān niú ròu yǔ yáng cōng juǎn xīn cài hái yǒu qí tā shū cài yī qǐ màn dùn


      Corned beef simmered with onions and cabbage and usually other vegetables.

    • zhè ge xīng qī zuì pián yi de shì hú luó bo hái yǒu juǎn xīn cài


      Best buys this week are carrots and cabbages.

Word usage

  • "卷心菜" is often matched with measure word "个"or"颗".
    • 卷心菜

      one cabbage

    • 卷心菜

      one cabbage