juàn zi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.examination paper

    • chū juàn zi


      set a test paper

    • dá juàn zi


      answer the questions in a test paper

    • kàn juàn zi


      look at examination paper

  • 2

    n.ancient hand-copied scroll; codex

    • zhè xiē shì míng dài shí qī de míng shì yí liú xià lái de juàn zi


      These are the scrolls left by celebrities in the Ming Dynasty.

Word usage

  • "卷子" is often matched with measure word "张"or"套"or"沓".
    • 卷子

      one piece of examination paper

    • 卷子

      one set of the examination papers

    • 卷子

      one stack of the examination papers

Chinese words with pinyin juan zi