
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.abbrair condition; air-conditioner; abbreviation for 空气调节器

    • shì nèi kōng tiáo bì xū ān zhuāng zài píng miàn shang cái kě yǐ yǒu xiào yùn xíng


      Room air conditioners must be installed on a flat surface in order to operate efficiently.

    • wū li kāi le kōng tiáo rè hōng hōng de


      The room was air-conditioned and hot.

    • kōng tiáo chéng le jīn nián xià tiān zuì rè xiāo de shāng pǐn


      Air conditioners are the hottest item this summer.

Word usage

  • "空调" is often matched with measure word "台"or"个".
    • 空调

      one air conditioner

    • 空调

      one air conditioner