kǒu dai

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1


    • zhè jiàn zhì fú shang yǒu sān gè kǒu dai


      This uniform has three pockets.

    • tā zhàn zài nà lǐ liǎng shǒu chā zài kǒu dai li


      He stood there, hands in pockets.

    • wǒ bǎ shǒu shēn jìn shàng yī kǒu dai li mō yào shi


      I dug into my coat pocket for my keys.

  • 2

    n.bag; sack; container made of cloth, leather, etc.

    • tā zhè kǒu dai li zhuāng de shì shén me zhòng sǐ le


      What has she got in this bag? It is very heavy.

    • qiè zéi xǐ jié le bàn gōng shì ná zǒu le yī kǒu dai sǎn bì


      Thieves ransacked the office, taking a sack of loose change.

    • tā bǎ nà xiē yìng zhǐ piàn fàng jìn le zhuō zi shàng de kǒu dai


      She put the pieces of cardboard into the bag on the table.

Word usage

  • "口袋" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 口袋

      one pocket

Chinese words with pinyin kou dai