
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.(as compared with "written language") spoken language; colloquialism; colloquial language

    • zài kǒu yǔ jiào xué zhōng jiào shī yī yán táng de xiàn xiàng réng rán pǔ biàn cún zài


      In oral English class, teacher-centered classroom still exist everywhere.

    • tā měi tiān wǎn shang dōu liàn xí tīng lì hé kǒu yǔ


      He practiced listening and speaking skills every night.

    • kǒu yǔ kè ràng xué shēng zhù zhòng liú lì de kǒu tóu biǎo dá


      Speaking courses draw students' attention to fluent expression.

    • kǒu yǔ kǎo shì


      oral examination

    • yīng yǔ kǒu yǔ


      colloquial English

Word usage

  • "口语" is often matched with measure word "门"or"句".
    • 口语

      one spoken language

    • 口语

      one sentence of a spoken language