kǔ guā

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.balsam pear

    • tā jiàn yì yòng kǔ guā lái qīng jié hé pái dú shēn tǐ


      She recommends bitter greens to cleanse and detoxify the body.

  • 2

    n.bitter gourd; fruit of this plant

    • wǒ men shì yī gēn téng shàng de kǔ guā


      We are two bitter gourds on the same vine. We both suffered the same hard lot.

Word usage

  • "苦瓜" is often matched with measure word "根"or"条"or"盘".
    • 苦瓜

      one bitter gourd

    • 苦瓜

      one bitter melon

    • 苦瓜

      one plate of bitter gourd