léi yǔ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.thunderstorm

    • yī chǎng léi yǔ jí jiāng lái lín


      A thunderstorm will come soon.

    • qián liǎng tiān wǎn shang de nà chǎng léi yǔ bǎ tā xià de bàn sǐ


      That thunderstorm the other night frightened him half to death.

    • jīn tiān wǎn jiān tái wān nán bù gè dì fā bù le dà léi yǔ tè bào


      Severe thunderstorm warnings are in place across much of southern Taiwan this evening.

    • léi yǔ fēng bào


      storm accompanied by peals of thunder

Word usage

  • "雷雨" is often matched with measure word "阵"or"场".
    • 雷雨

      one thunderstorm

    • 雷雨

      one thunderstorm