liú sù

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.bestow; keep a guest overnight; put up (accommodate) a guest for the night

    • tǎng ruò kè rén liú sù nà shì xiān jiù yīng zhǔn bèi hǎo fáng jiān bìng bèi hǎo yī chú hé xīn máo jīn


      If your friend is staying overnight, make sure that his room is ready in advance with closet space and a fresh towel.

  • 2

    v.put up for the night; stay over night

    • bù yào liú sù xián rén


      You must not put up unauthorized personnel overnight.

    • wǒ jīn wǎn zài tóng xué jiā liú sù


      I stay at the home of a classmate tonight.

    • jí tǐ sù shè bù yào liú sù


      It is not allowed to put up guests for the night in the dorm.