
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.hotel; inn; motel; tavern

    • wǒ men qù lǚ yóu shí zhǎo bù dào lián jià lǚ guǎn


      We couldn't find a cheap hotel when we went on a trip.

    • zhè jiā lǚ guǎn néng jiē dài wǔ bǎi rén


      This hotel accommodates 500 people.

    • tā zài běi jīng méi yǒu zhù de dì fang zhǐ néng qù zhǎo lǚ guǎn


      He had no place to stay in Beijing, so he had to look for a hotel.

    • háo huá lǚ guǎn


      a luxury hotel

Word usage

  • "旅馆" is often matched with measure word "个"or"间"or"家".
    • 旅馆

      one hotel

    • 旅馆

      one hotel

    • 旅馆

      one hotel