mù bù

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.curtain; curtain; screen; act drop

    • dì yī cì gōng yǎn de mù bù shēng qǐ guān zhòng men mǎn huái qī dài


      There was a sense of anticipation in the audience as the curtain went up for the premiere.

    • dì yī mù zhī hòu mù bù luò le xià lái


      The curtain came down after the first act.

    • mù bù shēng qǐ jù chǎng nèi de dēng guāng àn le xià lai


      The lights in the theatre dimmed as the curtain rose.

Word usage

  • "幕布" is often matched with measure word "块"or"道".
    • 幕布

      one piece of the curtain

    • 幕布

      one curtain