pèi jiàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.accessory; fitting; ancillary; accessory part

    • xiàn zài wǒ men de mù lù zhōng bāo kuò gè zhǒng jiā jū zhuāng shì hé pèi jiàn


      Our catalogue now includes a range of furnishings and accessories for the home.

    • hé yè zhī lèi de mén chuāng pèi jiàn


      door and window fittings such as hinges

    • suǒ yǒu yuán lái de jiā jù yǐ jí pèi jiàn dōu jiāng huī fù yuán yàng


      All the original furniture and fittings will be reinstated.

  • 2

    n.replacement for a broken part or accessory

    • líng pèi jiàn


      spare parts

    • pèi jiàn biǎo


      assembly parts list

Word usage

  • "配件" is often matched with measure word "个"or"套".
    • 配件

      one accessory

    • 配件

      one set of accessories

Chinese words with pinyin pei jian