qiáo bāo

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.countrymen/nationals residing abroad; fellow countrymen who live abroad; overseas compatriot

    • hǎi wài qiáo bāo


      overseas nationals

    • wèi le zhào gù qiáo bāo qiáo juàn de lì yì guó jiā guī dìng le hé lǐ de wài huì pái jià


      In order to show consideration for the interests of our compatriots residing abroad and for the relatives of overseas Chinese, the State has set reasonable foreign exchange quotations.

    • zhè yī yuán zé lì chǎng wán quán fú hé bāo kuò tái wān tóng bāo hé hǎi wài qiáo bāo zài nèi de quán zhōng guó rén mín de gēn běn lì yì


      Its principled position fully conforms to the fundamental interests of the entire Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese.

    • qiáo bāo xiǎng niàn zǔ guó


      Overseas Chinese cherish the memory of their home land.