quán jiā fú

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.infmlphotograph of the whole family; family portrait

    • wǒ ná chū le pí jiā shǒu máng jiǎo luàn de fān chū le wǒ de quán jiā fú zhào piàn


      I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family.

    • wǒ men dōu cù yōng zài xīn niáng sì zhōu pāi le yī zhāng quán jiā fú


      We all grouped together around the bride for a family photograph.

    • qǐng dài shang quán jiā fú zhào piàn


      Please bring your family photos.

  • 2

    n.infmlhodgepodge; hotchpotch (Chinese dinner delicacy for family gatherings)

    • quán jiā fú hún tun


      wontons with a variety of fillings

Word usage

  • "全家福" is often matched with measure word "张".
    • 全家福

      one family portrait