shēn fèn zhèng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.abbrID (card)

    • shēn fèn zhèng hé zhǔn kǎo zhèng shì kǎo shēng jìn rù kǎo chǎng shí bì xū tóng shí jù bèi de liǎng zhǒng zhèng jiàn


      The passport and admission ticket are two necessary documents on the examination day.

    • hěn míng xiǎn de shì cǎi yòng quán guó tōng yòng shēn fèn zhèng duì fáng zhǐ shēn fèn dào yòng qǐ bù liǎo shén me zuò yòng


      It's clear that introducing national ID cards would do little to prevent identity theft.

Word usage

  • "身份证" is often matched with measure word "张"or"个".
    • 身份证

      one identity card

    • 身份证

      one identity card