shī chá

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  • v.neglect one's supervisory duties; oversight; commit an oversight

    • duì shǔ xià shī chá


      fail to supervise one's subordinates

    • shāo wēi shī chá jiù huì zào chéng sǔn shī


      The slightest oversight could lead to a loss.

    • duǎn zàn shī chá


      momentary oversight

    • tā men yòng jiè lái de qián cān yù bó yì méi yǒu yǐn qǐ zú gòu de zhòng shì ér qiě shī chá


      They gambled with borrowed money, without enough oversight or regard for the consequences.

    • jǐn guǎn gè dà bào kān dà liàng bào dǎo dàn gōng sī dǒng shì huì duì gōng sī zhà piàn xíng wéi de shī chá xiǎn shǎo yǐn qǐ xué shù jiè de guān zhù


      Despite extensive coverage in the popular press, however, board oversight in companies that commit corporate fraud has received limited attention among academics.