shū lǎng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    adj.thinly scattered; sparse; thin and clear

    • xū méi shū lǎng


      thin beard and eyebrows

    • sǎn wén jiǎng jiu qīng míng shū lǎng gěi rén yī zhǒng jìng měi de gǎn jué


      Prose pays attention to clear and short, giving people a feeling of pure beauty.

    • yīng guó zì rán fēng jǐng yuán lín de zǒng tǐ tè zhēng shì zì rán shū lǎng sè cǎi míng kuài fù yǒu làng màn qíng diào


      English landscape gardens are picturesque, idyllic reflection of nature and full of romance.

  • 2

    adj.cheerful; optimistic; sanguine

    • gǎn dào xīn xiōng shū lǎng


      be optimistic

Word usage

  • "疏朗" can be reduplicated, for example: "疏疏朗朗".
    • 夜空闪烁星光

      A few stars twinkled here and there in the night sky.