tūn tǔ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.(of travelers or goods) take in and send out in large quantities

    • tūn tǔ liàng


      volume of freight handled

    • zhè ge gǎng kǒu yī nián kě yǐ tūn tǔ sān qiān wàn dūn huò wù


      This port can handle up to 30, 000, 000 tons of cargo a year.

    • nà xiē xīn de shuǐ lì gōng chéng měi miǎo néng tūn tǔ yī wàn sān qiān lì fāng mǐ de liú liàng


      These new water projects can handle a flow of 13,000 cubic metres every second.

  • 2

    v.mince one's words; hem and haw; hesitant in speech

    • tūn tǔ qí cí


      hum and haw one's words

Word usage

  • "吞吐" can be reduplicated, for example: "吞吞吐吐".
    • 干吗吞吞吐吐直截了当

      Why are you humming and hawing? Get to the point!