
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.laundry machine; common household electrical appliance for the automatic washing of clothes and linens

    • wǒ mǎi le yī tái zì dòng xǐ yī jī


      I bought an automatic washing machine.

    • wǒ de xǐ yī jī yòu huài le


      My washing machine's broken again.

    • tā men chū shòu gè zhǒng jiā yòng diàn qì rú xǐ yī jī xǐ wǎn jī


      They sell a wide range of domestic appliances, like washing machines and dishwashers.

    • liǎng tái xǐ yī jī


      two washing machines

Word usage

  • "洗衣机" is often matched with measure word "台".
    • 洗衣机

      one washing machine