xiě fǎ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.writing method; way of composition

    • jù běn de xiě fǎ hěn duō


      There are various approaches to write a script.

    • tā fàng qì le xiě xiǎo shuō guàn yòng de píng pū zhí xù de xiě fǎ


      She abandoned the linearity of the conventional novel.

  • 2

    n.style of writing; way of writing characters

    • zhè ge zì de xiě fǎ shì shén me


      What is the way of writing this character?

Word usage

  • "写法" is often matched with measure word "种".
    • 写法

      one kind of writing

Chinese words with pinyin xie fa