
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.spring up; be on the upgrade; emerge

    • zài gōng chǎng xīng qǐ zhī qián gōng jiàng men zài jiā lǐ gōng zuò


      Before the rise of the factory, artisans had worked within the home.

    • guó jiā dōu yǒu xīng qǐ hé shuāi wáng


      Countries have their rise and decline.

    • wài mài fú wù de xīng qǐ zài yī dìng chéng dù shang dǎo zhì le háng yè de shuāi luò


      The rise of food delivery has also played a role in the declining fortunes of th industry.

  • 2

    v.fmlrise in excitement; be aroused (to do)

    • yī shí xīng qǐ


      on the spur of the moment