yào diàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.pharmacy; drugstore; apothecary; herbal medicine shop

    • zhè jiā lǎo yào diàn réng rán bǎo liú zhe zhī qián de diàn miàn


      This old pharmacy still has its original shopfront.

    • zhè shì yī jiā tōng xiāo yào diàn


      This is an all-night pharmacy.

    • nǐ néng qù yào diàn bāng wǒ mǎi yī hé gǎn mào yào ma


      Can you go to the pharmacy and buy a box of cold medicine for me?

Word usage

  • "药店" is often matched with measure word "个"or"家".
    • 药店

      one pharmacy

    • 药店

      one pharmacy