yī yào fèi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.medical costs

    • zhè bǐ qián yǒu zhù yú zhī fù jù é de yī yào fèi


      The money will help offset big medical bills.

    • xǔ duō fù mǔ huì zài hái zi shú shuì hòu réng nán yǐ rù mián tā men zhèng zài wèi yuè gōng yī yào fèi hái zi jīn hòu de dà xué fèi yòng ér fā chóu


      There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after their children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor's bills, or save enough for college.

Word usage

  • "医药费" is often matched with measure word "笔"or"点".
    • 医药费

      one medical bill

    • 医药费

      a little medical expenses