yí yuàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.unfulfilled wish of the deceased

    • shí xiàn sǐ zhě yí yuàn


      carry out the deceased's dying wish

    • wéi bèi yí yuàn


      go against somebody's last request

    • lín zhōng yí yuàn


      last wish

    • bǎ zhè zhuàng fáng zi miàn xiàng gōng zhòng kāi fàng shì tā de lín zhōng yí yuàn


      It was his dying wish that the house be opened to the public.

    • tā de yí yuàn shì bǎ tā ān zàng zài jiā xiāng sà mò sāi tè jùn fù jìn de jiào táng lǐ


      His dying wish was to be laid to rest at the church near his Somerset home.

Word usage

  • "遗愿" is often matched with measure word "个"or"些".
    • 遗愿

      one last wish

    • 遗愿

      some of the last wishes