yù yú

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.be contained in; be implied; entail

    • máo dùn de pǔ biàn xìng jí yù yú máo dùn de tè shū xìng zhī zhōng


      It is precisely in the particularity of contradictions that the universality of contradictions resides.

    • máo dùn de dòu zhēng xìng yù yú máo dùn de tóng yī xìng zhī zhōng


      The struggle of contradiction lies in the identity of contradiction.

    • jiàn quán de jīng shén yù yú jiàn kāng de tǐ pò


      A sound mind is in a sound body.

    • wén xué de chuàng zào yǔ yǐng xiǎng yù yú wén xué de jiē shòu zhī zhōng


      Literary creation and influence is embodied in acceptability.