zhǎng guān

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.datedcommanding officer; senior officer or official

    • gāo jí sī lìng bù de zhǎng guān men


      the higher-ups in the high command

    • zhǎng guān de yì zhì


      will of leading officials

    • tā shì dì fang de xíng zhèng zhǎng guān shì shè qū de zhī zhù


      He was the local magistrate and a pillar of the community.

Word usage

  • "长官" is often matched with measure word "位"or"名"or"个".
    • 长官

      one senior officer

    • 长官

      one senior officer

    • 长官

      one senior officer

Chinese words with pinyin zhang guan