zhǎng zhě

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.elder; senior

    • zhǎng zhě fù zé shè qū de zhèng cháng yùn zuò


      The elders were responsible for the proper conduct of community life.

    • chén mò shì yī zhǒng zūn zhòng tè bié shì duì zhǎng zhě huò dāng quán zhě


      Silence is a sign of respect, particularly to an elder or a person in authority.

    • wèn wèn zhǎng zhě tā men yào qù wǎng hé fāng


      Ask the elder where they were going.

  • 2

    n.venerable elder

    • xǔ duō zhǎng zhě dōu hài pà jiē tóu bào lì


      Many older people are afraid of violence in the streets.

    • wǒ men bèi fǎn fù jiào dǎo yào zūn jìng zhǎng zhě


      Respect for our elders was dinned into us.

    • nà míng zhù míng de zhōng xiào hái shi wú fǎ zhí xíng zhǎng zhě de mìng lìng bǎ xiǎo péng yǒu de gǒu shā diào


      That famous lieutenant was still too soft-hearted to carry out his superior's order to kill the child's dog.