zhǐ jiào

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.instruct; train; give directions or guidance

    • zài jiào liàn de nài xīn zhǐ jiào xià yùn dòng yuán de jìn bù tè bié kuài


      The athletes made rapid progress under the patient instruction of the coach.

    • néng fǒu guāng lín zhǐ jiào


      Will you honor us with a visit?

    • zài zhè ge wèn tí shang tā de zhǐ jiào ràng wǒ shòu yì fěi qiǎn


      I enjoyed the great benefit of his instructions concerning the matter.

  • 2

    v.polgive advice; give comments

    • qǐng zhī qíng rén jǐ yǔ zhǐ jiào


      Ask insider to give advice or comments.

    • duō chéng nín zhǐ jiào


      Many thanks for all the advice you have kindly given us.

    • xī wàng nín bù lìn zhǐ jiào


      I hope you won't spare your comments.