zhǐ jīn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.paper towel; facial tissue

    • tā sī xia liǎng gé zhǐ jīn rán hòu zòng xiàng duì zhé


      She tore off two sections of paper towel and folded them lengthwise.

    • yī bāo zhǐ jīn


      a packet of tissues

    • yī zhāng xiǎo zhǐ jīn yǐn qǐ le zhòng duō wài shāng de xìng qù


      A small paper towel attracted the interest of many foreign merchants.

    • yǒu de sī jī zài chē li fàng zhì zhǐ jīn dì tú děng gōng chéng kè shǐ yòng


      Some drivers place paper towels, maps and other items in their cars for passengers to use.

    • yòng zhǐ jīn bǎ shí yóu xī gān


      Use a paper towel to soak up the cooking oil.

Word usage

  • "纸巾" is often matched with measure word "张"or"包".
    • 纸巾

      one piece of tissue

    • 纸巾

      one pack of tissue