zhì wèn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.question; interrogate

    • zhì wèn mǒu rén


      hurl a question at somebody

    • tí chū zhì wèn


      bring somebody to account

    • dà jiā zhì wèn tā wèi shén me yào qī piàn rén


      Everyone interrogated her as to why she had to cheat people.

    • zhè ge jiān ruì de zhì wèn ràng tā men wú yǔ


      They are stilled by the piercing query.

    • tā zhàn qǐ lai lǚ xíng zhì wèn zhèng rén de quán lì


      She rose in exercise of her right to question witnesses.

Word usage

  • Note
    "质问" is different from "责问". "质问" is to question the right and wrong on the basis of reason; "责问" is to criticize and point out the fault of the other party. "质问" has a heavier meaning.