zhǔ biān

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.editor in chief; chief compiler; managing editor

    • zhí xíng zhǔ biān


      executive editor

    • bào zhǐ zhǔ biān


      editor-in-chief of a newspaper

    • běn wén zuò zhě shì měi guó wài jiāo zhèng cè zá zhì zhǔ biān gāi zá zhì yě jiāng fā biǎo cǐ wén


      The writer is editor in chief of "Foreign Policy" magazine, where a version of this article is forthcoming.

  • 2

    v.be in charge of editorial work; supervise the publication of a newspaper, magazine, etc.

    • tā zhǔ biān yī běn yīng yǔ zá zhì


      He edits a English language magazine.

    • zhǔ biān yī běn xiǎo shuō


      act as the chief compiler of a story

Word usage

  • "主编" is often matched with measure word "名"or"位"or"个".
    • 主编

      one editor in chief

    • 主编

      one editor in chief

    • 主编

      one editor in chief

Chinese words with pinyin zhu bian